Sunday, June 3, 2012

June Bug Jog 5k ~ June 2, 2012

I usually hate 5k races and I make no bones about it. I do NOT like the burning lungs AT ALL...but there is a 5k race that is a must do for Jim and I and that is our local June Bug Jog 5k in Hampton, IL. That was last night starting at 7pm. It is a smaller race but very well organized by the Rock River Striders which is one of the two racing clubs I belong to.

Last year it was HOT but this year the weather was very nice. This race course starts on part of our favorite bike path along the Mississippi River with the race HQ at a very nice nature center. The course is also very flat. Yay!

Last year I came in second in my age group with a blazing time of 33:58. This year I wanted to beat that time so I was getting stoked up to do such a thing.

I am a slow(er) runner and very proud of it. I do not do speedwork because the one time I did it I became injured and almost burned out on running. It was literally sucking the fun out of running. That is NOT what I wanted. So, that is the reason 5k's are not my fave nor am I speedy.

Jim and I both registered for this race like last year and June Bug is one of his favorites as well as myself. We arrived at the race later than last year and the timing was perfect. This gave me time enough to warm up. Jim does not warm up LOL. He's such a diva. We all lined up at the start and we were off.

I purposely left my Gymboss at home and simply ran until my lungs pleaded to walk, took a SMALL break and blah blah blah. I felt very good and was holding a pace of 10:15-ish which is unheard of for me. I was doing this thing and actually passed runners towards the end!

Still, breaking a 30 min 5k was not in the cards BUT I did beat last year's time at 32:14. I was VERY VERY happy as this gave me first place in my age division. Last year I was second and this year I was numero uno!!!

 Yay me!!!

I LOVE the shirt!

Jim also did better than last year and he was happy with his time. He is starting to train for his 10k at Air Force marathon so his cylinders were fully running. Overall, a great evening out!

In the back of my mind this evening was the knowledge that bright and early the next morning I would be getting up early to run HM #19. Stay tuned!


1 comment:

  1. I think that's plenty fast!! Certainly faster than I can run. Cute shirt :-)
