Friday, November 30, 2018

Wed Nov 28, Tues Nov 29 & Fri Nov 30 Workouts

Wednesday November 28:

105 min walk...yes I can walk forever....


Thursday November 29 workouts:

Shoulders & Arms day:

Bradford press
Tricep pushdowns
Lat DB raises
Front raises
Hammer curls
Tricep dips
Tate presses
Curl & Press
Wall climb (no way in hell I can do these)

Sprints on TM & Stair flights to fill time


Friday November 30 workouts:

C25k W4D6  This is the last day for 4/1 run/walk intervals. Next week 5 brings 6/1 run/walk and I am pretty nervous with that. I have NEVER pulled off a 6 min straight run in all the miles I have cranked out over the years. Stay tuned. Today was about a 6-7 rpe.

I followed up with 25 min. on the rower (I forgot to turn off my watch last 10 minutes...oops).

Today's totals

Me, the TM and my rower

Tomorrow morning brings my every 4 weeks progress pics. I don't know if I will post but may...


This is the last day of a very successful months in terms of fitness minutes. I have perfect attendance for the month. According to SparkPeople I accumulated 3,427 fitness minutes. Hear me rawr!

I also received this SparkPeople trophy this week! That's alot of miles!!!

                                                                                            7,500 Lifetime Miles

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Monday Nov 26 & Tuesday Nov 27 Workouts

I am trying to find a rhythm with posting so hang with me...please.

Monday November 26:

Chest 7 back day
KB shoulder flex
KB arm bar
Inch worms w/ pushups
DB chest press
Flutter kicks on tummy
Prone airplane rows (hate these)
Chest press alternating
RB Lat pulldown
RB seated rows (love these)
Superman (hate these)

I always do some kind of sprints at the end to fill my time so Monday it was...wait for it...treadmill. I've learned to love the TM.


Tuesday November 27 workouts:

C25k W4D5 I am  s l o w l y  increasing my pace but that is what you want. I am taking each Weekly workout and doing it two weeks or 6 times. So far it's working for me. Today was about a 6-7 rpe.

I don't usually do this but I did my leg/abs #1 (leg day twice per week) after my treadmill workout. Today's entree included Supersets:

Split squats
Wall sits
Lateral lunges (if it's a lunge I automatically hate them)
Low squat hold
Paloff Press (these make me want to throw up...seriously)
Low Planks

Today's Fitbit totals:

These are amazing workouts and every week is entirely different. What is etched in stone is Monday-chest/back, Wednesday- legs/abs and Friday- arms/shoulders. Kyra is having me put in an addition leg/abs done on Saturday. I do however move the workouts around the week as needed but the important thing is they get done.

Bring on Wednesday!!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sunday 11/25/18 cardio

It's snowing like crap (forecast 13") so I ran my C24k W4D4 today. My pace is starting to gradually increase.

Then I walked until I got bored...or met my daily Fitbit goals:

My daily total thus far today:

Sweat much?

Ok, today's C25k run was strong. I increased the TM speed for a 7 RPE and adjusted accordingly to make it challenging. Today was 5 min w/u, SIX 4 min run. 1 min walk, 5 min cooldown. Such awesomeness!

I figured out how to use the self timer on my phone. Go me!

Tomorrow morning...chest/back & there.

What was once old is now new again!

I made the decision to dust off my old Giddy Runner blog that chronicled marathon training and racing. The final blog was September 2012. That period of time in my life was epic. Long story short I absolutely burned out from running and needed a break. A long break.

Fast forward in 2014 I decided to give another HM another shot and I trained all spring and summer and trained according to plan. On race day while proudly wearing my Marathon Maniac Double Agent tee...I absolutely bombed. What the hell happened? For one thing I was not in fitness form. I ate like crap. That's what happened. I was completely deflated and sorely disappointed. Luckily, Joe Moreno, the most amazing race director ever...was at the finish line and tried to console me. Joe means the world to me and has for many years.

After that very frustrating period of time...I left running altogether. I hated it. So I pretty much became sedentary with a desk job. I'm all or nothing. It's how I roll.

Fast forward to Fall 2016 I was still not taking care of myself because I didn't give a rat's ass and it began to show mentally and physically. Then, life shook me to the core. In the span of two weeks, my beloved father was diagnosed with heart failure. Two weeks after that Jim learned he had kidney cancer. My mind was in a whirlwind and spiraling down. Between Dad's doctor appointments and Jim's surgery...the stress eating was nuts! Slowly I began to gain weight. Jim's kidney cancer was deemed snuffed out Score.

At the end of 2016 Dad had a successful cardiac stent placed and did well with that. In this period of time Dad moved out of our house and into his beautiful new hone across the street from us. He had a blast with that house! We had our family Christmas 2016 at dad's house and that was one of the best family Christmas in years. Dad had a ball!

Dad's next cardiac stent was placed January 25, 2017 and this time everything went south. Dad passed away in ICU January 26. Life stood still. Then Jim was diagnosed with prostate cancer...cancer #2. I hit bottom and ultimately gained 40 lbs. that Spring and Summer. I felt like utter crap mentally and physically.

I was then at the crossroads of what I was going to do about my own health. It was at that point in time I decided to go back to I utilized Kyra's fitness expertise several years past and it worked. The only problem was I didn't stick to it after I reached my goals. This time seemed different however.

So, I contacted Kyra and started all over again with her program. She has several options to choose from and I decided to go all in with her Commit2Fit program. It is one on one with an amazing private Facebook group included. Each session is 3 months long and totally worth every penny. Long story short in one year (3 - C2f sessions) I went from...well...check out the photo progression.

40 lbs. lost

It is pretty gutsy for me to post my photos but I want folks to know where I was and where I am now. 

So, why am I blogging again? I am showing what you can do at age 60 if you really want it.

What are my goals? 

1) be as healthy as I possibly can...nutrition and fitness
2) I want to be visibly toned from head to toe
3) rebuild my running base so that I can...
4) run another Half marathon next September
5) have a healthy body foundation to stay injury free running
6) C25k training program to build towards running a 5k nonstop
7) increase my running pace over past years
8) be HAPPY!

This summer I participated in a 3-session running clinic and I discovered I ran 30 Hm's and 4 full's completely wrong lol. Oops. I am changing from heel strike to mid or fore foot strike. My arm position has changed along with a forward lean thereby naturally hitting that preferred foot strike. These changes has also increased my cadence and running efficiency. My lungs and heart are trying to catch up.

Sooo...with all of that said I will blog my healthy lifestyle journey like I did with Giddy Runner. It will show me progression and hopefully inspire someone to start their own lifestyle change. Even if it just one person it will be so worth it.

Onward!! Watch me go!!!!