Sunday, August 12, 2012

Marathon Training 22 mile long run ~ August 11, 2012

Wow, where do I start? I have had so many great long runs I wondered when that one would come. You know, the one that test your whatevers. Emily and I planned on running this one in my hometown of Wilton, IA where they still live. Anyone that knows Wilton would ask where in the heck you run 22 miles. There are plenty of places to run!

I spent the night at Matt and Emily's house (my childhood home) and the clock was set for 4am AGAIN. I think I slept 2 hours altogether which wasn't much. Breakfast was eaten, gear all geared up and out the door we went by 5:30am. The sunrise was gorgeous!

Emily led the way as this was her route. Well, one of many. Our legs felt great from the beginning although our hands were a little cold. We were blessed with a break in our hot summer and the timing was great. I haven't run in Wilton for a long time so it was fun to see the old sites.

It was starting to get brighter and we could see a little better. As we headed north of town we past the church that I grew up in, married, baptized our babies, attended friends and family funerals and such.

We aren't finding any coins in the road but we did find this: smashed underwear

Then we found these two funny looking runners LOL.

We arrived at one of the parks in Wilton and they have a walking path with workout stations. I just had to stop for some cross training.

The world's brightest watertower

We then decided to make our way back across town to the high school where we both attended and run around the great track they have. We ran several laps and yes...I took photos.

Yes, we are the Home of the Beavers

Photo bomb!!

At this point I have no idea how far we have run but I know we had more to go so we did. I was still feeling great as was Emily. After we reload our fuel belts at the house we head for the cemetery at the other part of town to visit relatives.
Where Dad worked many years and ultimately retired just one block from home.

 My childhood home

 Elementary school where we all attended

 Our first house that Jim and I had built in 1983 and sold in 2008

 Wilton High School ~ Home of the Beavers!

By now, we are reaching 17 miles and I am starting to lose steam and a sense of humor. My legs are starting to ache and really bother me. I am no longer giddy. Emily is trucking along and doing so well. We head to a house that Emily knows to get some salt because my calves are cramping. That seemed to help that matter considerably but my IT bands were tight tight tight and that caused my knees to hurt laterally.

We head back up to the track where the surface is softer and that helped a little. By the time we get to 21.5 miles we head home. I am bonking badly and starting to see The Wall for the first time. They say you will know it and by golly there it is. Emily helps me with awesome coaching and finally hit 22 miles.

 Please get me your rolling pin, Ems!!


After analyzing what went wrong, we decide that I need to start upping my calories earlier in the week...not the day before. I was also having some GI issues to add to the misery. Too much eaten on Friday. I also did not take my handheld water bottle and started to drink water too late. Time to regroup and plan for our final long long run in two weeks...another 20-22 miler and then taper time.

On the day after, I am pretty happy actually with how things were going but need to tweak the plan. That is, after all, why we have training runs. I will be prepared for September 15.

I thank Emily greatly for helping me through. I cannot ask for a better running partner.

Next up...20-22 miler in two weeks.

Until then...



  1. LOL at the smashed underwear - ha!
    You two did great with your run. Those 20+ milers are hard, and if I recall correctly it's around mile 22 where I often start seriously struggling in the marathon distance. Haven't done it enough to figure out the best tricks to get around it!! It sounds like you're doing everything you can to be prepared for the big day, though, and I know you and Emily will finish and have this incredible accomplishment to add to your running resumes!!

    See you two on Friday/Saturday?

  2. Laurie - you give me hope that someday, perhaps, I will be able to do that crazy thing called a marathon too!!
