Friday, July 13, 2012

Marathon Training week 6 Days 2 & 3

Since the weekday runs are starting to feel comfortable and routine I will keep this short. My first weekday run was Wednesday morning early and it was a good one until I got GI issues that ultimately kept me home from work. I have no clue what that was all about but it was short in duration.

Stats: 3.15 miles; 40 min; 12:44 av pace; 292 cals burned
Splits: 12:50, 12:44, 12:37, 12:36 Negative splits, baby!

This morning I was on the streets by 5:30am and it is getting easier and easier to simply plant my feet on the floor at 5:15am and do what i want to do. Run. I am finding that I am now at that place where I truly love to run and I actually crave it. When I first started, I hated it. I forced myself to lace up and get out there. Once I was out there I just put up with it. Those days are behind me because I love to run!!! Shock, I know. Anywho, here ya go.

Stats: 3.21 miles; 40 mins; 12:30 av pace; 300 cals burned
Splits: 12:49, 12:22, 12:29, 11:39 Almost negative splits, baby LOL.

The other weekdays you can find me doing my three get in Shape Girl circuit workouts that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Each 45 minute-ish workout is different and it's like Christmas morning when I print out my workout. Sometimes I swear at Kyra but 99.99% of the time I love her for planning such a great and effective workout. Thank you, GISG!!!

Next up is a complete rest day tomorrow followed by an epic 17 mile long run with Emily early Sunday morning. We are going to try Fig Newtons and Gummi Bears for fueling. It will be fun!!!! All 4-ish hours of purposely running slow!!!! Be there!

Until next time...


1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura! Okay, so you have me intrigued on this whole GISG thing. :-) Are these printable workouts or video based? Free? I went to her website and I am reluctant to sign up until I know more! :-)

    You can send me email through Spark?
