Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My new AWESOME Bibfolio and it's PINK!

From the first race I ever ran way back in August 2009, I have collected (hubby calls it hoarding) my racing bibs with the safety pins still attached (my OCD LOL). The bibs have been stacking up to the point of embarrassment on a closet shelf. Finally, I relented and ordered my Bibfolio from Gone for a Run. I love it!


The fantabulous cover

The bibs in the Bibfolio pages

I started with the oldest in the back working my way forward. The only bib I cannot find is my first Disney Princess bib and I know it's in the house somewhere. When I find it I have the page ready for it.

Tomorrow in National Running Day and Jim and I are heading to our favorite Mississippi River bike path. The weather is supposed to be G O R G E O U S . I canNOT wait!
